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forgiven, not forgotten (ENGLISH)

Trauriges · Experimentelles
you know i loved you but you said 'leave'
shocked, i found it hard to breathe
but since you've said so, i obeyed
and many months later i got paid.

for a long time now, i felt torn
but then i realized that it's forlorn
i made up my mind, began to thrive
'til you decided to come back into my life.

once again i believed to fly
high in the sky - so high, so high
you told so many things - created hopes
just to throw me down the slopes.

deeply hurt and filled with pain
i was forced to trip down memory lane
'it was your fault' you said to me
for i wasn't what you wished me to be.

many things i still don't understand
feeling like a stranger in my own land
seeming to be a grain of sand in your hand
there's so much i simply can't comprehend.

now you're lost, obviously forever gone
just a small fraction on the long run
and though by grief i long was driven
... you're forgiven.
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teilweise holpert das versmaß ein bisschen, sonst wärens 5 punkte.

Jonatan Schenk (26.04.2005)

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