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Don´t fear the Reaper

Schauriges · Kurzgeschichten
It was one hell of a night. I cannot describe the feeling of being lost I had since
I left the appartement of my girlfriend. The weather was totally out of control.
It was stormy and very dark, it pissed cats and dogs. To my own flat it was not
much more than 1 kilometre, but I had a feeling of being not alone the whole time.
The only thing I desired was to get home as fast as possible and jump into my bed.
I sped up, no, probably I ran. Fear came up to my brain.
What was that? Some dark creature? A fiend? No, that is not possible I thought.
I decided to run across the semetary, that would be ten minutes less than running around it.I heard my own heartbeat and ran faster.

Today I know that it was a mistake to choose that way...
Or wasn´t it a mistake?
I feel the strength I got now. Oh, yes, to the story again.

I ran across the graveyard when suddenly I heard a voice.
From the one moment to the other I got really calm. No, I wasnt calm, I just couldn´t move anymore.
What hideous creature could do something like that to me?
Then I SAW what I imagined before. It was the Man-become Dead I thought.
Today I know that it wasn´t the nameless who stood infront of me and grinned.
First he just stood there and looked at me. Then he said some really cruel words:
"Hey boy, be quiet... I think you´ll probably liiiikee it...Have no feeear...HEHEHEHE... DON´T FEAR THE REAPER !"
When he said these words I really thought he would take me from earth now.
I thought my time had come and that it would now decide if I go to hell or to heaven.
Then I saw something that really shocked me. The last thing I remember is, that two really big teeth
crushed into my neck.

Like you can see I am not dead. I dont really LIVE either. Yeah, you´re right, im UNDEAD.
But I tell you... you mustn´t FEAR THE REAPER... HAHAHAHA.

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eine lustige kleine Gruselgeschichte!
ein paar kleine Fehler sind noch da (like Cemetery), ansonsten ok, eine richtige Halloween-Story!
Heidi StN

Heidi StN (12.06.2004)

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