1 Seiten

When An Apple Eats A Tree

Nachdenkliches · Poetisches
When An Apple Eats A Tree
written and composed by Christian Mayr

They all fall down
in the sea,
in the deep see,
in the dark see,
were you never want to be

They never can do
what they want,
what they really really want,
cause they are only
small apples falling from a tree

But what would happen,
if an apple eats a tree?

But what would happen,
if an apple eats a tree?

Then the apple can do,
what an apple wants to do,
eating forrests
his whole live
getting old,
become a wife
or a helicopter
or just Godzilla

They all break down,
only inside,
up to their center,
because somebody
digged holes in them

They never can do
what they want,
what they really really want,
cause they are only
small apples eaten by a worm

But what would happen,
if an apple kills a worm?

But what would happen,
if an apple kills a worm?

Then the apple can do,
what an apple wants to do,
killing worms
his whole live
getting old,
become a wife
or a mixer
or just Superman

They all get killed
by small worms,
because an apple
murdered one of them

But what would happen,
if an apple eats a tree?

But what would happen,
if an apple eats a tree?

eats a tree?
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